7 Tips to Create a Montessori Learning Environment

7 Tips to Create a Montessori Learning Environment

More and more homeschooling parents are adopting the Montessori Method in their teaching and learning approach. As a Montessori educator, I find that this is a positive shift among parents who are dedicated to finding what method is best for their children.

There are numerous ways to create a homeschooling space that is Montessori-friendly. Although this can be overwhelming at first, you can always start with small rather than overwhelming yourself as a parent to redecorate the entire house for your homeschooling purpose. 

Tips to Create a Montessori Learning Environment:

  1. Create a child-centered space: Montessori learning environments are designed to be child-centered, meaning the space is created around the child's needs and interests. Include child-sized furniture and materials that are easily accessible to the child.

  1. Use natural materials: Montessori classrooms often use natural materials such as wood, metal, and glass. These materials are both aesthetically pleasing and provide a sensory experience for the child.

  1. Keep the environment orderly: Montessori classrooms are kept orderly to promote a sense of calm and focus. Everything has a designated place, and the child is encouraged to put things back where they found them.

  1. Include opportunities for movement: Children in a Montessori environment are encouraged to move around and explore their surroundings. Include open spaces for movement and activities that require physical movements, such as dancing or yoga.

  1. Offer choices: Montessori learning environments encourage independence and self-direction. Offer the child choices throughout the day, such as choosing their own activities or materials.

  1. Provide opportunities for hands-on learning: Montessori learning is focused on hands-on, experiential learning. Provide materials and activities that allow the child to explore and learn through touch and manipulation.

  1. Encourage meaningful work: Children in a Montessori environment are encouraged to engage in meaningful work, such as caring for plants or animals, preparing food, or completing a task from start to finish. This promotes a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

I always encourage parents to focus on a small area that matches the needs of the child at a specific time. With multiple children in the household, you can find the common areas first that will benefit all the little ones at the same time. After that, you can shift your focus to where is needed.

Feel free to write to me if you have any questions regarding on setting up your Montessori space at home, you can reach me at dalila@montessorimarbles.com.