This product contains 30 pairing cards for the Montessori Pink Series with Short A, E, I, O, and U in PRINT font.
There are 30 CVC words included to pair with our Montessori Pink Series collection.
Words used in this printable:
➡️ Short A - cat, cab, bag, bat, can, cap
➡️ Short E - hen, web, jet, net, pen, bed
➡️ Short I - pin, pig, bib, bin, wig, kid
➡️ Short O - top, log, fox, dog, box, mop
➡️ Short U - bus, tub, mug, cup, bug, bun
Required Materials
- ✅ Printer
- ✅ Cardstock Paper
- ✅ Laminator
- ✅ Laminating Sheets
- ✅ Scissors
- ✅ Adhesive Dots