This is a collection of flashcards for the Farm Animals. This set of cards introduces the names of animals found on the farm in Spanish. Bright, colorful, and engaging cards to help your child explore and learn about the farm animals in a fun and engaging way.
Number of Cards | 16 |
Card Size | 3 in. x 4 in. |
Total Pages | 4 |
Double-Sided | No |
✅ Great for visual learners
✅ Enhance and encourage active recalls
✅ Effective method for improving memory
✅ Helps develop children's meta-cognition
Farm animals in this product:
el pato ➡️ duck
el patito ➡️ duckling
el polluelo ➡️ chick
la gallina ➡️ chicken
el gallo ➡️ rooster
la vaca ➡️ cow
el burro ➡️ donkey
el caballo ➡️ horse
la codorniz ➡️ quail
el ganso ➡️ goose
el buey ➡️ ox
el conejo ➡️ rabbit
la oveja ➡️ sheep
el cordero ➡️ lamb
el carnero ➡️ ram
el pavo ➡️ turkey
Required Materials
- ✅ Printer
- ✅ Cardstock Paper
- ✅ Laminator
- ✅ Laminating Sheets
- ✅ Scissors